This newsletter includes:
- Genetically Modified Food
- Update Test Application Form
- Free Trial and Promotion Coupon

Food and regulation enquiry, Please contact:
May Leung
Tel:(852) 2606 7178
Fax:(852) 2310 2990
Mobile:(852) 9106 6761

Room 2001-2, 20/F, Trendy Centre, 682-684 Castle Peak Road,
Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Comprehensive Food Testing Services
• Microbiological analysis
• Chemical analysis
• Heavy Metals
• Organochlorine Pesticides Residues tests
• Preservatives and Additives
• Artificial Colouring
• Nutrition Labeling analysis (7+1)
• Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
• Accelerated Shelf Life
• Food Safety testing – DNA detection |
Azodicarbonamide in Bakery
Azodicarbonamide (ADA) is a chemical generally used as a blowing agent in the production of foamed plastics such as yoga mats and shoe rubber. It is also a food additive (E927), is used as a bleaching agent to bleach the flour and as an improving agent to strengthen and enhance the elasticity of the dough in the commercial bakery industry. Nonetheless, it makes handling of large batch of dough become easier and makes the finished products puffier and tough enough to withstand storage and transportation.
Azodicarbonamide will react with moist flour and will produce a primary stable reaction product called biurea (a derivative of urea) during baking. Meanwhile, secondary reaction products include semicarbazide and ethyl carbamate (also called urethane) will also be produced. Semicarbazide was found to cause cancers of the lung and blood vessels in mice and urethane, a recognized carcinogen, has known to cause cancer in rodents as well. Moreover, Azodicarbonamide may cause respiratory sensitization after inhalation and can cause skin sensitization in workers who are exposed to its raw form.

Azodicarbonamide is banned in European Union and in Australia which is not allowed to be used as a food additive. While as stated in the Codex Alimentarius Commission and in the food additive standard in United States, Canada, Korea and Mainland China, Azodicarbonamide is generally recognized as safe and permit to use in food at levels up to 45 ppm.
Chemlab (HK) now can provide the test for Azodicarbonamide. Testing information as below:
• Method use: HPLC platform
• Limit of Detection: at 1.0 ppm
• Sampling Size: 50 g
• Testing Turn Around Time: 5-7 working days

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